Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Final 2016 Newsletter

Deeper Consciousness Tools Signature Talk

John F. Kennedy once said, there’s a Chinese curse, “May you live in Interesting Times”... we are, indeed, living in interesting times.

At one level of perception - We have more access to global information than ever before. We can instantly learn of an earthquake in New Zealand because someone there is tweeting it. We can find the answer to any question by Googling it. We can learn how to do anything by watching a video on YouTube.

At another level of perception - it feels like we are accelerating vibrationally. Like we are operating at a faster speed, and it’s not just our caffeine consumption. Change seem to be occurring more quickly. People are describing this as raising in consciousness, saying that they’re having Ascension symptoms, claiming that their DNA is even changing.

You may be finding yourself more highly sensitive than before. You might find yourself more attuned emotionally, like you may be more sensitive to the atmosphere in places, you can’t dine in certain restaurants, or can walk into an office and know someone has quit. You may be having more vivid dreams “deja vus” - a feeling of having done this before. Or even premonitions, be thinking about someone and they send you a text message.

At this level it would feel like you are waking up, becoming more aware, becoming more conscious.
At the first level, there’s definitely a global consciousness emerging. We are collectively influencing each other and so things that were not spoken about are now being brought into the light. We are no longer tolerating issues of racism, sexism, abuse, inequality and injustice. It’s reaching different countries and different cultures. It’s making us look at our own assumptions, where we may be narrow minded. It’s expanding our viewpoint.

At the other level, if you imagine there is a collective Consciousness, made up of all the higher aspects of ourselves, and as we raise in awareness, we’re becoming more tuned into each other. Just as we’re becoming more intolerant about [unconsciousness] we are also becoming more compassionate, growing in acceptance of each other’s differences while we’re growing in understanding that we’re all more alike than different.

Here’s some other ways you may be experiencing this - you may be finding things in your life breaking down - health, relationships, work... You may find yourself having to pay more attention to your body, you discover you have trouble with gluten or dairy, or you may suddenly have a medical issue with choices whether to treat it conventionally or alternatively.  Relationships may be causing challenges, there may be friction because you both seem to be growing in different directions. You could be frustrated at work and feeling crazy that you want to quit your well paying job to do something more meaningful.

People are experiencing spiritual breakdowns. Old belief systems might not sit well with you any more. You may be a life long meditator, and your practices aren’t bringing you the results you were used to having.

All of this is happening because there is greater Consciousness in the world. We can look at this as needing to broaden our mindset to be more inclusive, to adapt to new ideas. Energetically, it feels we need to 'upgrade' our old practices and techniques as they were spiritual 'dialup' and you can’t access the Cosmic Internet today with dial up.

Now here’s another way to understand what is going on. It’s not just that a greater Consciousness is coming into the world, and we’re adjusting to it on many levels. That a greater light is coming into the world, which is revealing the shadows. That’s perceiving from the physical, emotional, and mental levels.

It’s that we are Consciousness, coming more into form. Consciousness, creating this reality by focusing in on it. We are the Light. We are greater awareness and wisdom coming into our bodies and reflecting in our world.

It’s discovering that you *are* the Cosmic internet. Or that you’re body is your computer, and you are the user in this reality.

It is like a full-immersion online game. At one level it’s a Second life - you are playing with other users around the world. But at another level, you programmer and the designer.
Shifting to this awareness changes all your other perceptions. Things aren’t happening to you and even if there is a design, you have an infinite amount of ways to play the game. You have choices and any one you make takes you in a different direction.

When you start to live life *as* Consciousness, unusual things start happening. It’s as if everyone else is operating the scripted way, and you are able to improvise.

And it isn’t that reality isn’t real. It’s not accurate to say that it’s an illusion. It’s a feeling and sensing reality, it is physically real. It’s just that time and space are malleable. And you can step into different versions of the game as effortlessly as changing lanes on the freeway.

You can navigate life from this expanded consciousness. You can wirelessly anchor in the physical realm while maintaining a higher level awareness. You can easily shift yourself from one to another creating an entirely new experience and outcome. At this level, miracles are possible. At this level you *are* a miracle.

Turns out what John F. Kennedy once said, “May you live in Interesting Times”... I Google’d it and found that it isn’t Chinese - it was probably made up by his speechwriter. We are, indeed, living in interesting times but it is not a curse but a blessing.

By Joan Newcomb, VP of Education

Why I Rejoined Toastmasters

I was feeling really good about my speaking abilities the first time I attended  Toasmasters but once I was laid off from the company that initiated the BeGe’s, I found myself extremely depressed and embarrassed. I know now being laid off isn’t anything to be embarrassed about but for some reason at that time because it had never happened to me I couldn’t handle it; so I disappeared. I was lucky in 2010 to only be out of work for 4 months, as that was the middle of the great recession and some people who were laid off during that time was out of work for years.

My goal at the time was to finish my Associates take a year off and get my Bachelor’s Degree; as I found it difficult to find a job in marketing without one.  With my newly acquired job at the cruise line which at the time felt like a demotion, it was a job and I set my goals in motion. As time went on I finished my associates and was blessed with the opportunity to keep my job and move out of state to work on my Bachelors. I moved to Arizona, worked full time and attended college full time to continue working on achieving my goals. Once I completed my bachelors I had a choice to stay in Arizona and create a life or move back to Seattle and see about getting a promotion in my current company, which allowed me to go to school out of state in the first place (mind you there was some tuition reimbursement so I sort of felt like I owed the company a chance). After graduation the following month I was back in Seattle and applying for marketing positions within the company.  After speaking to my supervisor at the time he suggested I take another approach and try applying to a Lead position in reservations, it was the next logical step in moving up in the company since I have been working in reservations the last 4 years. He knew that an opening in the Lead department would soon open. During this time I reached out to the executives in the marketing and public relations department to advise them of my interest and begin shadowing. I got the lead positon which wasn’t what I wanted but it was recommended and  had to commit to at least 6 months in that role before applying for another position within the company. With all the time and knowledge I have on the company it made sense to me at that time to stay and continue to attempt to climb the corporate ladder. Within 9 months of being Lead in reservations a Marketing Coordinator position became available I applied and got the job- it took a just shy of 5 years to complete the goal I set out for- finish associates, get bachelors, work in the marketing department.

I realized during the 5 years it took me to achieve this goal I hadn’t spoken in front of crowd outside of a few class presentations since I had left toastmasters.  I was a nontraditional student taking primarily night classes but it seemed as if my classmates who are similar to me (nontraditional- not straight out of high school) didn’t have the vocal variety, organization, and confidence while giving their speeches. I recall specifically an assignment where we had to go to the communication lab and do a recorded speech in which the class would later watch, but this recorded speech had an evaluator evaluating your speech. That was the moment I truly felt like I still needed toastmasters. I got a high grade on the project but I know that I felt a bit uncomfortable standing in front of a camera not an audience but a camera?!  I was thrown off my game. Toastmasters for me the first time I was a talker. I always went over time and found that timing was my worst attribute. Whereas now I was umming and awing like I was singing a song. Watching the play back of my speech and seeing the evaluation had me recalling what I learned from toastmasters. I didn’t end up locating and joining a nearby club but when I would come to Seattle I would try and visit the BeGe’s.

Once I began working in the marketing department I was offered a 9/80 schedule. That meant I would work 9 hour days to achieve 80 hours which would result in a bi-weekly 4 day week. After a trip to Europe I felt like it was time for me to start thinking about my next set of goals to achieve and one of which was redeveloping my speaking skills. With having every other Friday off that allowed me to rejoin the club I originally helped charted. I rejoined Toastmasters because I am looking regain consistency in my speech, stop the umming and awning and regain the confidence I once had when speaking to a crowd.    

By Janae Gillespie, BeGe's VP Public Relations

Meet a Member

Meet Jing

I am "jingle bell"! I used to be a Business Consultant of an accounting and advisory firm in China. I left Beijing for Tacoma about one year ago and became a first-time mom about 5 months ago. A different country and city, different culture and life style and a new member to our family, all of these have changed my life and my perspective to life extraordinarily, mostly in a positive way though sometimes frustrates me as well. I am currently working as a freelance translator / interpreter while keep pursuing my dream in the business and finance areas. 

I came to Toastmasters because I understand how important communication, leadership and other interpersonal skills are in order to reach my dream. I hope to become less shy and more confident when I am talking to people, especially in English, which is a foreign language to me that needs to be polished harder. Last but not least, I am hoping to make new friends through Toastmasters.

By Jing Li

BeGe’s TM Schedule 2016

With only 4 meeting remaining in 2016 please be sure you have signed up for a role. We are especially in need of roles to be filled on December 2nd, 9th, and 16th.

BeGe’s will not meet on 11/25, 12/23 and 12/30.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Newsletter Submissions
Contribute to our Blog and Newsletter.  Submit stories, ideas,  articles, and experiences.  Send content to
Content is needed for next's months newsletter.

Please Submit Content by December 30th

Ever wonder what goes into making a Toastmasters Club run smoothly? The following are descriptions of the officer roles.
President "C.E.O." of this club, responsible for fulfilling the club's mission.
VP -Education Second ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a club program meeting members' educational needs.
VP – Membership Official Third ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a program ensuring member retention and growth.
VP – Public Relations Fourth ranking club officer, responsible for developing and directing publicity informing members and the public about Toastmasters International.
Secretary Official Fifth ranking club officer, is responsible for club records and correspondence.
Treasurer Official Officer Sixth ranking club officer, responsible for club financial policies, procedures and controls.
Sergeant at Arms Seventh ranking club officer, responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation and hospitality. The sergeant at arms chairs the social and reception committee.

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