Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Presidential Brief For August

BeGes President’s Newsletter August 2017

Hello, BeGes!

I came across the following quote on Richard Branson's Twitter feed:
It made me think of our brave band of Toastmasters. Every Friday a handful of us fill the required roles, Toastmaster, Grammarian, Ah Crutch Counter, Timer, Table Topics Masters, Speakers, Evaluators, General Evaluators, but the meeting wouldn't be complete without guests and members who don't have roles (but can be called upon for Table Topics). The more people there are, the more fun and laughter there is!

But our meeting wouldn't happen without our Officers, who contribute behind the scenes - our Sergeant At Arms, who ensures the room is set up for us, our Treasurer who manages receiving dues and our expenditures, our Secretary who maintains our records and roster, our Vice President of Public Relations, who gets the word out into the community that we're here, our Vice President of Membership, who helps transform our guests into members, our Vice President of Education, who oversees the schedule, contests, and members progress, and the President who gets to open the meeting and bang the gavel!!

BeGes wouldn't exist without members, and our meetings wouldn't happen without people showing up. Every one of you contributes to our wonderful group simply by your unique presence.

Speech Contest

This Friday, August 11th, is our Humorous Speech Contest! Let our Contest Chair, Raylene, know if you'd like to compete, or help in any way.

Friday 8/19, 1pm (after our regular Toastmasters meeting)
Come to our Officers Meeting! All club members are invited.
We’ll be hearing from each Officer their successes and challenges, (those who can’t attend please email a brief report), and looking at our Club Success Plan checklist!

Officers Training
If you missed the scheduled trainings, there will be a makeup one on Monday, August 21st from 5:30-9pm at the Auburn KCLS Library, 1102 Auburn Way S., Auburn, WA 98002. It's strongly recommended for officers (and our club gets points on our success plan if you go)! They provide invaluable info for club officers, and all members are welcome to attend. Register here: http://d32tli-auburn2.eventbrite.com

VP of PR needs a Social Media coordinator
Our VP of PR, Steve Garvin, could use someone enthusiastic about Social Media to tweet, post, share, and organize! Let him know if you're the one to do it!

VP of Membership needs a backup!
Our VP of Membership, Jing, could use a backup to support members on the Fridays she can't be there! Let her know if you're the one to do it!

VP of Education needs support!Our VP of Education stepped down due to work commitments, and her team members are shouldering all the tasks. It's a big job! If you'd like to lighten their load, let us know!

Have any questions, concerns? Let me know ~ my inbox is always open!


BeGes Prez 7/2017-6/2018