Wednesday, November 15, 2017

BeGes Presidential Brief, November 2017

BeGes President’s Newsletter November 2017

Giving And Receiving


It's that time of year where we express gratitude for what we are given (or for what we are about to receive). We rarely think about what we're actually giving. 

Giving doesn't have to take a lot of energy. Sometimes our mere presence is a gift. For instance, we wouldn't have Toastmaster meeting if people didn't come to meetings. Signing up for a role definitely contributes to the event, but showing up without a role gives the Table Topics master someone to call on!

That being said, I do want to acknowledge one of our newest members, Jen Fischer, for stepping into the role of Social Media coordinator. She's helping our VP of Public Relations by getting the word out on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn. I've noticed more BeGes on Facebook than ever before, thanks to her!

Please join us on Social Media, if you haven't already done so. The more Facebook "likes", Twitter followers, or Meetup members we have, the more we get noticed by new people. We've already had folks come in from our Meetup page. 

There's an article in this months Toastmaster's Magazine on why and how to use Social Media with your Toastmasters Club.

When you go to a meeting, you can "check in" on Facebook, or RSVP on Meetup. Be sure to leave a review or response as well!

Joan Newcomb, CC, CL
President, BeGes Toastmasters 2017-2018

Upcoming Events

This Friday, Nov. 17th  we are having our monthly Officers Meeting. All members are welcome to sit in and see the 'behind the scenes' work it takes to create a great club!

December 1st we are having a Mock Contest! It's to give members an experience of a contest without the pressure of real competition ;) If you'd like to give a speech, email Eric