Wednesday, October 12, 2016

BeGe's Toastmasters
October 2016 Newsletter

On our way to Distinguished…

Every Toastmasters club around the world works to achieve the same 10 goals. A club that achieves the goals is a sign of a healthy, lively, growing club. Clubs that achieve at least five goals and maintain a membership base are recognized by Toastmasters International as Distinguished. 
BeGes is doing remarkably well so far.

We have achieved 4 of the 10 goals.

Here are the 10 goals, and how we’re doing.

Goal 1: Two Competent Communicator (CC) awards. Halfway there: Joan achieved a CC.

Goal 2: Two more CCs

Goal 3: One Advanced Communicator award

Goal 4: One more Advanced Communicator award

Achieved Goal 5: One Leadership awards (Competent Leader (CL), Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB), Advanced Leader Silver (ALS), or Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM): Mary Morrison achieved ALB

Goal 6: One more CL, ALB ALS or DTM

Achieved Goal 7: 4 new members:  Chrissy Cooley, Janae Gillespie, Gwen Kohl, and Amy Musgrove

Achieved Goal 8: 4 more new members: Imani Owens-Bailey, Melissa Paz, Valerie Pettit, and Andrea Wynne

Goal 9: At least 4 officers trained, twice per year: six officers were trained in round 1

Achieved Goal 10: Officer list and dues submitted on time

What’s next? You might have noticed that 6 of the 10 goals are related to members’ educational achievements. Helping each other become more confident and competent at communication and leadership is the heart of our club.  Club officers are working to ensure members’ needs are being met.

Joan Newcomb activated our club website, giving us the opportunity to sign up online for meeting roles

Gwen Kohl stepped in as mentor chair to help Joan Newcomb assign mentors to new members

Janae Gillespie is producing a monthly newsletter to keep us in the loop about club events

Eric Heller is ordering name badges for all club members and name tags for guests

Mel West set a page on our website to allow us to collect dues using a credit/debit card, and he ensured Toastmasters International received our club dues on time 

Steve Garvin, Janae Gillespie, and Eric Heller stepped in to officer roles when vacancies occurred

Members are inviting and welcoming guests at meetings, and we’re all taking roles at club meetings. As you can see, it takes all of us to maintain a quality club. And we’re doing extraordinarily well. Thanks for all you’re doing!

Mary Morrison, BeGe's Club President

Where do you go from here?

We are all in different places in our Toastmasters Journey. Some have just joined and are figuring out the Competent Communicator Manual. A number of us are working toward advanced manuals and thus Advanced Toastmasters Awards of one level or another. A few members are focused on reaching Distinguished Toastmaster. No matter our goal, we all need focus and action.

Focus, that thing that takes a wish or a want and concentrates your attention in a tighter area. A great example is working toward one of the advanced awards. There are the two five presentation requirements and the focus needs to be on some specifics. Which manuals are you going to use. Once the manuals are selected, what subjects are you going to use. When will you schedule to present? But wait, there’s more.

While all of these are necessary steps, there are also the additional requirements (High Performance Leadership, District Leadership Positions, etc.) By determining your focus for each area, you can start the action(s) necessary. It is often here, that many find the greatest challenge. However, this is where the growth, improvement and self confidence happen.
Where are you going from here? You joined Toasmasters to grow, to improve, and with that comes an expanded comfort zone. To become comfortable, you need to be uncomfortable for a while. Remember learning to ride a bike? The shaky starts, the falling down the lack of control? In time, it all became automatic and comfortable. Now, think back to what motivated you to come through the Toastmaster Door the first time. Was it something as simple as "I want to get over my fear of public speaking" or "I want to give better presentations at work, or school, or, or, or? The better you can define what you want to accomplish, the easier that it will be to focus and then take action to move toward it. While it might be easier to just take the projects as they come, you will seldom fully move toward your "goal" as you will with conscious focus on your why.

I joined Toastmasters 19 years ago with goal of improving my communication skills. Shortly after joining, I became aware of the Distinguished Toastmasters Award and I sort of, kind of, headed that way. I stumbled along, in that direction, for a number of years. Then one of the members of the club noted that three of us were very close to reaching DTM. He came to us and motivated us to FOCUS on reaching that level on the same day. We established the action steps that were needed to reach that goal at that time. All three of us accomplished much more production, in less time, than we had previously and succeeded. To my knowledge, it is the only time that three people in one club all reached DTM on the same day. Then the question is, now what?

I realized that as much as I had accomplished, I could learn more, develop more, and share more. My goal in Toastmasters is to continue to develop my communication and leadership skills and pass on as much of that as I possibly can to others. While that is a great goal, it is too general. To be able to develop a good focus, it needs to be boiled down to a more specific goal, one that fits the guidelines of a good focused goal. How about DTM? As you have no doubt heard, it needs to follow the “SMART” guidelines (Specific, Measured, Attainable, Time based). How does that fit in with DTM?

How about I will reach DTM (Specific), by December 2017 (Measurable) (Attainable) (Time Based). While that will cover the general goal, it now needs to be broken down into action steps. When will each speech be scheduled? When will the special projects be planned and scheduled. This gives me specific action steps that are time set, allowing me to move forward in a planned manner.
So, where do you go from here? That is for you to determine by your personal goals. The only thing stopping you is the planning necessary. Meet with your club leadership and determine how your goals can fit in with the clubs Distinguished Club Plans. You can determine “Where to go from here”.

By Bob Hays DTM

Whether you're gonna pitch, present, or speak publicly... Make an impression. We can help you transform your relationship with the audience for good.

DANGER: The Yes Works and its affiliates DO NOT recommend presentation without preparation. IMPROV is not "winging it." Please improvise responsibly.

Your Living Presentation: 
Transform your way of public speaking and presenting forever.
No one is more prepared to connect than an improviser who's prepared.
Upgrade your: 1) public speaking, 2) presentations 3) sales pitches.
Do you want to captivate people, generate rapport, and make an impression when you speak or present? Do you want to influence your listeners?
We promise a breakthrough in presentation/speaking. It's a big promise. Here's a glimpse at the perspective shift we have in store.

You’ve got to improvise. Yes, you can have a script. Yes, you can stick to that script. Yes, you should prepare and know your content. And you’re not a recording. Your audience wants you, present, and responsive.

Change your relationship to The Audience for good.
What's different from other public speaking workshops?
* No "um" counting * No tricks and gimmicks to build technical prowess * No focus on "nailing it" * No picturing the audience naked *
A memorable presentation isn't about tricks and technical details. A memorable presentation is about you.
(Group rates and Early Bird rates available)
Please call or write with any questions. We're here to serve you.
Make work good,

Aaron, Adam, & Rachel -- The Yes Works Team
Co-Founder & Trainer
The Yes Works  ||  (253) 301-8004  ||

Submitted By, Gwen Kohl
Treasurer Tidbit

Beginning with the October dues, Toastmasters International dues will be increasing $9 for every 6 months period we pay dues and there will no longer be a grace period. If you don't pay your dues on time, Toastmasters International will not recognize you as a member. In order to ensure that all members are in good standing and dues are paid by October 1  (if you haven't paid please do as soon as possible)the treasurer will collect dues.

Mel West,  BeGe's Treasurer

Area & Division Contest Results–

Speech Contest Results: All Areas | Alex Mayo, Webmaster

Results from Area Contests are trickling in to me and Division Contests will be happening soon! Check here for the latest results to see who will move on to the Division and District contests.

Tall Tales: First Place Results

Division A
Division D
Area 11Richard Scholtz
Area 41Don Everly Smith
Area 12Benjamin Warner
Area 42John Villesvik
Area 13Heath Dickinson
Area 43Marilyn Glasscock
Area 14Shane Pettit
Area 44Chuck Marlow

Division B
Division E
Area 21Sandra Kolb
Area 51Martin Miller
Area 22Tom Leurquin
Area 52Karl Reiche
Area 23Michael Maddox
Area 53Jacki Holzman
Area 24Frank Grubaugh
Area 54Raul Rovira

Division C
Division F
Area 31

Area 61Burton Vanderbilt
Area 32Misako Yoke
Area 62Sean Baski
Area 33Vicky Rockey
Area 63Lucy Johnson
Area 34Kat O'Kelly

Table Topics: First Place Results

Division A
Division D
Area 11David Fenbert
Area 41Don Everly Smith
Area 12Benjamin Warner
Area 42Greg Miller
Area 13Alex Snaer
Area 43Marilyn Glasscock
Area 14Stuart Magoon
Area 44Tyler Brunette

Division B
Division E
Area 21Annie Sargent
Area 51Frank Perez
Area 22Robin Cordova
Area 52Charlene Walker
Area 23Elena Brenna
Area 53Winston Burbank*
Area 24Rebecca Reece
Area 54Raul Rovira

Division C
Division F
Area 31

Area 61Geoffrey Wyatt
Area 32Donna Weaver
Area 62Amy Whinston
Area 33Nicole Smith
Area 63Wanetta Ayers
Area 34Cheryl Marks

*Winston Burbank is unable to attend Division E contest, Jacki Holzman will represent Area 53.

Newsletter Submissions
Contribute to our Blog and Newsletter.  Submit stories, ideas,  articles, and experiences.  Send content to
Content is needed for next's months newsletter.

Please Submit Content by October 30th
Ever wonder what goes into making a Toastmasters Club run smoothly? The following are descriptions of the officer roles.
President "C.E.O." of this club, responsible for fulfilling the club's mission.
VP -Education Second ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a club program meeting members' educational needs.
VP – Membership Official Third ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a program ensuring member retention and growth.
VP – Public Relations Fourth ranking club officer, responsible for developing and directing publicity informing members and the public about Toastmasters International.
Secretary Official Fifth ranking club officer, is responsible for club records and correspondence.
Treasurer Official Officer Sixth ranking club officer, responsible for club financial policies, procedures and controls.
Sergeant at Arms Seventh ranking club officer, responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation and hospitality. The sergeant at arms chairs the social and reception committee.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

BeGe's September 2016 Newsletter

14 public-speaking mistakes you never want to make

Glossophobia — the fear of public speaking — is one of the most common phobias among    Americans today. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a whopping 74%  of people suffer from speech anxiety. And, as most people know, when we're nervous or anxious, our minds and bodies tend to do weird things that we can't always control. However, if you make a conscious effort, you may be able to avoid some of the common   mistakes public speakers make. Here are some habits you'll want to avoid, along with their potential consequences and suggested remedies:

1. Not tailoring your message to your audience
As Benjamin Disraeli once said, "Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours." On the other hand, if you don't talk to your audience about themselves, they most likely won't listen, says Darlene Price, president of Well Said, Inc. and author of "Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results." "Speakers frequently fall into the bad habit of giving generic off-the-shelf presentations that are not tailored to address the needs of this particular audience. Listeners know when the speaker has not done their homework, and their response ranges from disappointment and frustration to anger and disengaging."
To avoid this, ask yourself: Who is my audience? What are their burning issues? How does my message help them? How much do they know about my topic? What will I ask them to do in response to my message? "All the best practices in public speaking depend upon this first tenet: Know Your Audience."

2. Eye dart
From beginners to veterans, the majority of speakers fail to maintain meaningful, sustained eye contact with their listeners. "Unconsciously, their eyes scurry from person to person, darting around the room, without ever pausing to actually see the recipients of their message," Price says. "A lack of eye contact implies a list of offenses: insincerity,disinterest, detachment, insecurity, shiftiness, and  even arrogance." To visually connect, maintain eye contact for at least two to three seconds per person, or long enough to complete a full phrase or sentence. Effective eye communication is the most important nonverbal skill in a speaker's toolbox.

3. Distracting mannerisms
There are at least 20 common tics to tackle, including: clenching or wringing your hands, pacing back and forth, keeping your hands in pockets, jingling change or keys, twisting your ring, gripping the lectern, licking your lips, adjusting your hair or clothing, fidgeting with a pen, bobbing your head, placing your arms behind your back, and touching your face. "One or more of these habits can distract the audience from your message and jeopardize your credibility," Price explains. As a remedy, record yourself speaking and watch the playback. "Practice often to increase your comfort level and reduce anxiety. Take a public speaking class or enlist the help of a local coach to eliminate distracting mannerisms and habituate purposeful movement."

4. Low energy
"As the Guinness World Record holder for the most performances in the same Broadway show, George Lee Andrews is famous for playing the role of Monsieur AndrĂ© in The Phantom of the Opera," Price says. "Surely, he must have felt tired during at least one or two of his 9,382 performances, but he didn't show it considering his contract was renewed 45 times over 23 years." Enthusiasm, defined as eager enjoyment and active interest, is an audience's most desired trait in a presenter. Conversely, a boring delivery — evidenced by a low monotone voice, dull facial expressions, and overall lethargy — is their most disliked trait. "To avoid losing your audience in a New York minute, crank up the energy level," says Price. "Speak expressively, smile sincerely, move naturally, and enjoy the moment."

5. Not rehearsing
Most proficient presenters prepare. "That is, they know the topic, organize their content, design a slide deck, and study their notes," Price says. However, according to a recent survey she conducted, less than 2% of over 5,000 business presenters in Fortune 100 companies actually conduct a dress rehearsal and practice their presentation aloud. This bad habit results in the audience seeing and hearing the unrefined run-through, versus the finessed final performance. "To optimize their perception of you and get the outcome you want, perform the entire presentation aloud at least once, and the opening and closing at least three times," she suggests.

6. Data dumping
"It's understandable. After all, our credibility is on the line when we stand up and speak out," Price says. "So, to be safe, we focus almost entirely on what Aristotle called Logos, which includes the left-brain functions of logic, language, analysis, reasoning, critical thinking, and numbers." When we rely  too heavily on this type of content, we end up talking too long, reading  too many overcrowded illegible slides, and turning our backs on the most important element of all: the audience. "Ditch the habit of data dumping," she suggests. "It loses the audience and undermines your innate ability to inspire, connect, and persuade."

7. Not inspiring
Even more vital to persuasion than Logos, says Aristotle, is Pathos, which includes the
right-brain activities of emotions, images, stories, examples, empathy, humor, imagination, color, sounds, touch, and rapport, Price says. "Tomes of studies show human beings typically make decisions based on emotions first (Pathos); then, we look for the facts and figures to justify it (Logos). Audience members do the same. With your words, actions, and visuals, seek first to inspire an emotion in them (joy, surprise, hope, excitement, love, empathy, vulnerability, sadness, fear, envy, guilt). Then, deliver the analysis to justify the emotion." An engaging, memorable, and persuasive presentation is balanced with both information and inspiration. "It speaks to the head and the heart, leveraging both facts and feelings," she says.

8. Lack of pauses
Many speakers have the bad habit of rushing through their content. Like a runaway train, they speed down the track out of control, unable to stop and turn at critical junctures. The causes are often anxiety, adrenaline, or time constraints, Price says. "Regardless of the reason, the three times you definitely want to pause include: before and after you say something very important which you want your audience to remember; before and after you transition from one key talking point to the next; and between your opening, main body, and closing." When you consciously use silence as a rhetorical device, you'll come across as more self-confident, your message will be more impactful, and your audience will remember more of what you say.

9. Not crafting a powerful opening
"According to Plato, 'The beginning is the most important part of the work.' Yet, it's a common bad habit for speakers to waste those precious opening seconds rambling pointlessly, telling a joke, reading an agenda, or apologizing needlessly, all of which fail to grab the audience's attention and motivate them to listen," Price says. You, your message, and your audience deserve much more. So open with a bang.
 Invest the thought, time, and effort to craft and memorize "the most important part of the work." For example, tell an engaging, relevant story; state a startling; or ask a thought-provoking question.

10. Using too much (or not enough) humor
It's hard to determine exactly how much humor to use in a speech — especially if you don't know your audience well. Of course, you don't want your presentation to be dry and boring, but you also don't want to come off like you're trying too hard to be a stand-up comedian. A good rule of thumb is to be yourself, and infuse a bit of humor when appropriate. Getting the audience to laugh (or at least crack a smile) early on is a great way to break the ice. But run your joke(s) by some friends beforehand to make sure they don't fall flat.

11. Reading from your slides
A slideshow can be very helpful for jogging your memory and reinforcing the main points of the presentation to your audience. However, as Inc. contributing editor Geoffrey James points out, the people watching your presentation can read, so giving them the exact same information verbally and visually can be boring and insulting. "Use slides as visual signposts for the points you're making rather than a written version or summary of those points," James writes for Inc.

12. Making an excuse or an apology
Perhaps you're running late and want to let your audience know why. Or maybe you just stepped off a long flight and want to explain why your performance might not be as strong as it would otherwise. Either way, making an excuse or an apology sets a negative tone and gives people a reason to think your presentation was underwhelming. Instead, take any personal mishaps in
stride and let the audience evaluate your performance independently. "Regardless of how you're feeling, show enthusiasm for being there and make your best effort," James writes.

13. Going on and on about how nervous you are — or not acknowledging it at all
One of the worst things you can do is draw a lot of unnecessary attention to the fact that you're nervous. Going on and on about it — or mentioning it multiple times throughout your speech — can make everyone feel a bit uncomfortable. However, you can — and should — acknowledge it once before moving on. Research out of Boston University suggests that hiding your feelings of anxiety from the audience, which they call suppression, can actually lead to an increase in feelings of anxiety and heart rate, reports Business Insider's Rachel Gillett. And that could be pretty
detrimental to your presentation.

14. Ending with Q&A
There's a good chance you've heard a speaker end an otherwise effective presentation with
an abrupt, 'That's it. Any questions?' "For the audience, it's like a firework with a wet fuse,
otherwise known as a 'dud,'" Price says. "Your grand finale is your last chance to reinforce
your key points, ensure the memorability of your message, and motivate the audience to action. Avoid the bad habit of closing on Q&A, which risks ending your presentation on a
non-climatic down-in-the-weeds topic."
It's fine to invite the audience's comments and questions; however, be sure to end strong.
"Craft an effective three-part closing where you deliver a strong summary; present a
call-to-action; and conclude with a powerful closing statement. Develop the habit of saying
last what you want your audience to remember most," she concludes.

Smith, J. (2016). 14 public-speaking mistakes you never want to make. Retrieved September 08, 2016, from

Treasurer Tidbit
Beginning with the October dues, Toastmasters International dues will be increasing $9 for every 6 months period we pay dues and there will no longer be a grace period. If you don't pay your dues on time, Toastmasters International will not recognize you as a member. In order to ensure that all members are in good standing and dues are paid by October 1, the treasurer will collect dues from August 19 - September 16.    Mel West,  BeGe's Treasurer

Newsletter Submissions
Contribute to our Blog and Newsletter.  Submit stories, ideas,  articles, and experiences.  Send content to
Content is needed for next's months newsletter.

Please Submit Content by September 30th
Ever wonder what goes into making a Toastmasters Club run smoothly? The following are descriptions of the officer roles.
President "C.E.O." of this club, responsible for fulfilling the club's mission.
VP -Education Second ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a club program meeting members' educational needs.
VP – Membership Official Third ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a program ensuring member retention and growth.
VP – Public Relations Fourth ranking club officer, responsible for developing and directing publicity informing members and the public about Toastmasters International.
Secretary Official Fifth ranking club officer, is responsible for club records and correspondence.
Treasurer Official Officer Sixth ranking club officer, responsible for club financial policies, procedures and controls.
Sergeant at Arms Seventh ranking club officer, responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation and hospitality. The sergeant at arms chairs the social and reception committee.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

BeGe's Newsletter August 2016

Why Do We Have a Tall Tales Toastmasters Contest?

When someone asks me about details related to the Tall Tales contest, the question usually involves “Paul Bunyon” in the sentence. “Are we supposed to come up with a ‘Paul Bunyon’ type of fable?”
It took me a while to figure out how to answer that question. The answer is yes and no. Yes, in the fact that the objective is to use your imagination and develop and present a story you’ve created that has exaggerations and twists and turns. “No” because there is supposed to be a point to your story.
Storytelling is one of the most important aspects of public speaking. Not only do stories keep your audience glued to your message, but the process of creating stories takes time, patience and diligence. Once you become skilled at developing stories and presenting them, you will be much more able to make higher quality presentations at work. Even though you might not use a fictional story when presenting your latest architecture design, you will find that your experience in the Tall Tales competition would help you present the details of your architecture design work to your clients and firm, for example.
My point is that you should approach participation in the Tall Tales competition as an opportunity to practice your detailed story development and presentation skills. This opportunity will increase your speaking skills in other types of speeches, not just the next time you tell a humorous, exaggerated, make-believe story.

Gstm. (n.d.). Anatomy of a Winning Tall Tales Toastmasters Contest [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Toastmasters Officer's Training 
Toastmaster's International semi-annual Training was hosted in Lacey mid June with make up sessions throughout District 32 in July.

Mary Morrison President and Joan Newcomb VP Education

Attendees met fellow leaders from all over District 32. At each training,  we learned about: Find Us on Facebook! ‐ Social media professional, Rebecca Reece, presented on how more new Toastmasters find our clubs through Facebook. She showed us how simple it is to create an active and interactive club Facebook page. Facebook  will allow us the opportunity to showcase our club and members. Like our page TacomaBeGesToastmastersClub .
Bonnie Wright  Sargent at Arms

Mentoring Magic ‐ Mentoring is one of the under‐appreciated keys to club success. We listened  about how to develop and implement an effective mentoring program.  If you are a new member you should have a Mentor, speak with an officer after a meeting to be introduced to someone.
Joan Newcomb VP Education and Myles Lasco VP Membership 

Lost on the Internet -  Pathways to the Information our Club Needs. As a Club Officer, we need to learn not only our officer role, but also where to find the information our club needs, and where to submit the data.  We learned which websites to visit depending on what information we need...and where to submit the data to help our club be successful.

Moments of Truth: Guiding Clubs to Excellence ‐  In this discussion we heard about a club's struggle to thrive using Moments of Truth.  Identify your club's strengths and areas for improvement Improve quality and fun of meetings and  Implement best practices to improve common challenges that our clubs face

Information from  District 32 Newsletter The View from 32 June 3, 2016 TLI Edition 
Treasurer Tidbit
Beginning with the October dues, Toastmasters International dues will be increasing $9 for every 6 months period we pay dues and there will no longer be a grace period. If you don't pay your dues on time, Toastmasters International will not recognize you as a member. In order to ensure that all members are in good standing and dues are paid by October 1, the treasurer will collect dues from August 19 - September 16.    Mel West,  BeGe's Treasurer

Newsletter Submissions
Contribute to our Blog and Newsletter.  Submit stories, ideas,  articles, and experiences.  Send content to 
Content is needed for next's months newsletter.

Please Submit Content by August 31st. 
Ever wonder what goes into making a Toastmasters Club run smoothly? The following are descriptions of the officer roles.
President "C.E.O." of this club, responsible for fulfilling the club's mission.
VP -Education Second ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a club program meeting members' educational needs.
VP – Membership Official Third ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a program ensuring member retention and growth.
VP – Public Relations Fourth ranking club officer, responsible for developing and directing publicity informing members and the public about Toastmasters International.
Secretary Official Fifth ranking club officer, is responsible for club records and correspondence.
Treasurer Official Officer Sixth ranking club officer, responsible for club financial policies, procedures and controls.
Sergeant at Arms Seventh ranking club officer, responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation and hospitality. The sergeant at arms chairs the social and reception committee.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

BeGes Newsletter July 2016

A Journey with Many Paths 
Much of what I experience in Toastmasters is like going on a solo journey, with other member as traveling companions. We're not heading to the same destination, yet we help each other get there. We're at different points along the way, yet we provide real-time help at every step.
A Journey With Many Paths - Peterashwoodsmith

 My goal this Toastmaster year is to complete the requirements to be a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). It means I need to give about 15 speeches (not all at BeGes) and put on a couple of special workshops. I can't do it without you: your support in leading meetings, sharing roles, providing feedback. 

In turn, I'd like to help you achieve your goals, and work with the club's executive team to do so. Do you have a skill you'd like to build in Toastmasters, such as getting comfortable with impromptu speaking? Are you looking to compete in a speech contest? Would you like to hone your marketing skills? Does leading a meeting terrify you? 

The club's executive team is here to help us achieve our goals, no matter where we are in our journey. Are you ready to take the next step? We'll be in touch to understand what your destination is, and how we can support you at every step. I'm looking forward to it  Mary Morrison, Club President

Treasurers Report  - Upcoming changes with Toastmasters' dues!

Beginning with the October dues, Toastmasters International dues will be increasing $9 for every 6 months period we pay dues and there will no longer be a grace period. If you don't pay your dues on time, Toastmasters International will not recognize you as a member. In order to ensure that all members are in good standing and dues are paid by October 1, the treasurer will collect dues from August 19 - September 16.    Mel West,  Beges Treasurer

The follow is an opinion piece that was recently published in Forbes. The author is a former Navy SEAL who struggled with public speaking after leaving the service. He provides a few good tips on preparing for a speaking opportunity. There are no shocking revelations, but a reminder of the basics presented from another point of view can be a good thing.  Eric Heller Former BeGes VP Education (Interim), Former BeGes Sergeant at Arms

6 Public Speaking Tips From A Navy Seal 

Whether your goal is to improve your leadership communication abilities, develop your thought leadership in a certain area or become a professional public speaker there are always obstacles to overcome before achieving greatness.

Getting up and speaking in front of an audience regardless of its size can be quite daunting. It requires regularity and practice to become totally comfortable. When I left the SEAL Teams and attended graduate school, we often had group projects that required a final presentation. During one of these presentations my heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. I’m a Navy SEAL combat veteran for crying out loud! It doesn’t matter. This was a totally new fear to overcome. Read more


Ever wonder what goes into making a Toastmasters Club run smoothly? The following are descriptions of the volunteer service opportunities available. 
President "C.E.O." of this club, responsible for fulfilling the club's mission.
VP -Education Second ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a club program meeting members' educational needs.
VP – Membership Official Third ranking club officer, responsible for planning, organizing and directing a program ensuring member retention and growth.
VP – Public Relations Fourth ranking club officer, responsible for developing and directing publicity informing members and the public about Toastmasters International.
Secretary Official Fifth ranking club officer, is responsible for club records and correspondence.
Treasurer Official Officer Sixth ranking club officer, responsible for club financial policies, procedures and controls.
Sergeant at Arms Seventh ranking club officer, responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation and hospitality. The sergeant at arms chairs the social and reception committee.


Toastmasters holds Officer Trainings twice a year for officers, however all TM members may attend. They are fun and informative! Here are the ones near us in July:

When: Wednesday, July 20
Time: 6:00-9:00pm
Where: Northwest Foursquare Church [click for map]
34800 21st Ave SW
Federal Way, WA 98023

When: Saturday, July 30
Time: 8:00am-12:00pm
Where: Poulsbo Fire Station [click for map]
911 NE Liberty Rd
Poulsbo, WA 98370

When: Saturday, July 23
Time: 10:00am-1:00pm
Where: Centralia Timberline Library [click for map]
110 S Silver Street
Centralia, WA 98531

Thursday, June 2, 2016

BeGes Newsletter June 2016

"Is It Summer Yet?"
Picture by Steve Garvin
Here are the results of our recent election. Below is the list of the new officers who will take office at the end of June.
President - Mary Morrison
VP Education - Joan Newcomb
VP Membership - Myles Lasco
Secretary - Mario Lorenz
Treasurer - Mel West
Sgt @ Arms - Bonnie Wright
Immediate past Pres - Garrett Leque

Looking Back and Looking Forward
by Mary Morrison (interim President and President-Elect)

It's been nearly a year since I joined BeGes. As I reflect on the year, a few moments stand out that deserve a call out:
1. The opening and closing of the meetings. I was startled the first meeting to hear the 'shave and a haircut, two bits' knock to open and close the meeting. At least those are the words I recall learning. Maybe you have others. It only took one meeting for me to join in, and once I did, I recognized that the call and response from those present adds a sense of belonging that is so important for Toastmasters to work well.
2. Eric and Garrett: kudos for so consistently having the room prepared and the meetings organized. You are the glue that holds the club together, and allow members to have as much fun and grow as we do.
3. Mario's use of the joke of the day and table topics up front. Those meetings, and a few others, kept me thinking about the meetings, how to run them, and what it takes to engage everyone in the meetings. No risk of getting routine and bored in BeGes!
Many other speeches and moments stand out. Too many to recount. Looking forward, I'm confident that the officers for 2016-2017 will do our best to keep the sense of fun, growth, companionship going as we organize special events, membership campaigns, and our weekly meetings. My thanks to those who said yes to serving on the executive team. We'll do our best to uphold the traditions of non-routine, unique actions that makes BeGes...well...BeGes!

Back in April we published some Members Bios
This time we'd like some different details. Please answer the following questions:

1. Why did you join Toastmasters?

2. What do you hope to achieve by being in Toastmasters?

3. What would you like to experience more of with our Toastmasters' group?

Here are our member's answers, in order of submission!

Raeanne Mitchell
1 As an accountant, my presentation skills to non-accountants were lacking. I needed to train managers and be understood.
2 I hope to continue this leadership journey and share my story.
3 I want everyone in Toastmasters to achieve more than they imagine possible.
(Ed. Note: Raeanne is our District Rep, she is currently recovering from surgery! Best wishes for Speedy Recovery, Raeanne)!

Steve Garvin - current secretary and resident cartoonist
1. To get more comfortable physically speaking in front of groups. I've been speaking in front of large groups (100+) for years, but I've never been comfortable physically with it until much more recently. Greatly facilitated by my time in TM.
2. Good question. Still pondering. Maybe to develop a sense of humor ;-) Seriously, maybe to be more playful in public.
3. Watch and help others develop their speaking ability. Maybe? Spontaneity?

Mel West - Treasurer Elect
1. Why did you join Toastmasters? I joined toastmasters to learn to communicate more effectively. I would like to become a better storyteller and increase my listening skills. My long-term goal is to develop a keynote and to share my message on a larger scale to make a positive impact on business owners lives.
2. What do you hope to achieve by being in Toastmasters? Become a better communicator. I would like to develop my skill to be able to relate and talk to anyone.
3. What would you like to experience more of with our Toastmasters' group? I'm not really sure. I look forward to each Friday. The group is so warm and knowledgeable, I learn from each meeting while having fun.

Sonia Pal
1. Why did you join Toastmasters?
I joined Toastmasters on the encouragement of my father to become confident in business speaking.
2. What do you hope to achieve by being in Toastmasters?
I hope to become more confident in business speaking and being succinct.
3. What would you like to experience more of with our Toastmasters' group?
I would like to get to know everyone better with more social time.

Myles Lasco VP of Membership elect

I joined TM to become a better public speaker in preparation of two upcoming conferences where I have been asked to give talks.
I hope to achieve better confidence when speaking to groups.
I’d like to see more members and as the new VP of Membership, I hope to help out on that front!

David Goodson - current VP of Membership

1. Why did you join Toastmasters?
I have always enjoyed speaking, but realize that without practice I fall into some poor habits. TM makes me aware that every time we speak, we need to strive to have the audience understand.

2. What do you hope to achieve by being in Toastmasters?
Like to advance in the contests to take my speaking ability to a whole new level.

3. What would you like to experience more of with our Toastmasters' group?
I love the group. Like to help people who struggle become proficient speakers

Three Universal Questions
by Mario Lorenz CC, CL , ATM Bronze
Why did I join?
What do I hope to achieve?
What would I like to experience more of?
These questions can and do apply to every organization I have ever considered joining or being a part of.   Although, it is seldom, I take time to think through the real and in depth answers to these most important concepts.
The first reason I joined a club was someone (my wife) suggested that I come for a visit and see for myself. The club I visited was a very active and exciting club filled with a diverse group that all seemed to be very enthusiastic about being at the meeting and improving their lives through speaking presentations, leadership opportunities and speech competitions.   Shortly thereafter I joined that club called the Metropolitan Executive Toastmasters Club in Austin, Texas!   That was back in 1985.  I have been in toastmasters ever since, accept for a short time when I was on the road doing shows.   But even then I would visit clubs around the country when possible.
The reason I joined and the reason I have continued has changed over the years.  At first it was fun, friendly, accommodating, and presented an opportunity for growth.   Then it offered the opportunity to experience leadership.   The most important aspect for me has been the consistent opportunity to stay practiced up and ready for public speaking opportunities whenever  they might arise.   I was given the gift of continuing to develop and grow my confidence, my humor, and develop a serious side to my nature through being a toastmaster.  
Were I to think of what further I might like to accomplish or experience with a toastmasters club it might be finding that perfect speech that would inspire up and coming toastmasters and others to find the center of their being and be able to successfully project it on the wall of life.  

NOT a real photo of baby Leque
Last, but not least:
Garrett Leque President on Parental Leave
Leif was born April 27 at 6:18am at 6 lbs 7 oz. that's all I have to report

Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI)
"This is not your Grandfather's Officer Training"
This training is for all Toastmasters, whether brand new or highly experienced. Every club member, not just officers, will find value. Club success is a team effort! Encourage all members to attend. Attendees will also meet their fellow leaders from all over District 32.
Divisions A - D TLI (Washington) | Kyle Hall, Division B Director
When: Saturday, June 11, 2016 | 8:00am-Noon (7:30 registration)
Venue: LCC @ Washington Farm Bureau | 975 Carpenter Rd NE | Lacey, WA 98516 | [click for map]
RSVP: The training is free of charge, but please [RSVP on Eventbright]
BeGes Toastmasters Meetings

Thursday, May 5, 2016

BeGes Newsletter: May 2016

BeGes Newsletter: May 2016 

Our club's elections are May 13th with terms beginning in July.
Mario is gathering names for the following positions: 
President presides at meetings of the Club, has general supervision of the operations of the Club
Vice President of Education Plans & directs club programs meeting Club members' educational needs. Plans & publishes regular schedules of meeting assignments. Keeps track of member's progress towards goals.
Vice President of Membership Plans and directs programs to retain and increase club membership.
Vice President of Public Relations Develops & directs programs informing members and the public about Toastmasters International and Club activities.
Treasurer Responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. Collects dues and pays dues to Toastmasters International, and maintains records. Makes financial reports to the Club at least quarterly. Receives and disburses, with approval of the Club, all Club funds.
Secretary Responsible for Club records and correspondence. Maintains club roster. Has custody of the Club’s charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and all other records and documents of the club. Keeps an accurate record of the meetings and activities of the Club.
Sergeant at Arms Prepares meeting room for meeting. Maintains Club property, including banner, nametags, and supplies. Greets visitors. Chairs Social and Reception Committees.
Interested in one of these positions? Talk to Mario!

How to Write a Speech in 10 Minutes Workshop

On Thursday, May 5th, Past Toastmasters International President Ted Corcoran came all the way from Ireland to inform, inspire and educate us! He shared how to write a speech in 10 minutes:
The 9 Points of Every Speech (The Aural Signposts)                                      Order you think of it
Opening 1) Get attention - question, story, statistic, etc.                                      8
                 2) WHAT - Subject, theme or Message                                                1
                 3) Tell them what you're going to tell them                                          6
Body        4) Point 1     3 Facts, or What-Where-When, or Past-Present-Future  3
                 5) Point 2     or Problem-Cause-Solution                                              4
                 6) Point 3    These explain and support your purpose                           5
Conclusion 7) Summarize - tell them what you've told them                                7
                   8) WHY - message reflects your purpose                                            2
                   9) Refer back to #1 to complete                                                           9

Our President is a Papa! In late April, Garrett and his wife Heather became the proud parents of little Leif Bryan Leque ~ we wish the new family much happiness, and sleep!

Member Annaliza Abanes, no doubt emboldened by her short time in our club, left us in March to fly to Cambodia for an extended Yoga Retreat! She shared the following video the start of her journey:


And, lifted directly from District 32's April Newsletter, something we should all be thinking about:

Membership Recruitment and Retention - 
It is the Little Things
     When we meet someone for the first time the little means a lot.  A kind word brings a smile to our face.  Being the recipient of a smile lifts our spirits.  Have someone acknowledge your contribution to a meeting, event, etc. is encouraging.  Something doesn't have to be major to create a valuable memory or impression.  The same can be said of our Toastmasters clubs - the little things mean a lot.  For example, walking into a club meeting location to a warm welcome, delivering a speech and receiving encouraging and supportive feedback, or positive feedback after serving in a club meeting or club officer role.  These positive impressions and interactions foster the feeling of belonging. 
     As our founder, Ralph Smedley stated, "If we should ever lose the fellowship of personal, friendly relationships, we might easily become just another high grade correspondence school.  The personal touch, in all levels of our work, is one of its distinguishing features.  Our club must work hard to sustain a climate of caring and good fun."  To recruit and retain members we need to look at the little things.  If we were a guest attending our club meeting would we join?  Do we feel a welcome member of the club?
     How well is your club retaining members?  Is there a member whom hasn't been at the club in a while?  Call the member to let them know they are missed at meetings and check in on them.  That personal touch may bring them back if they were contemplating discontinuing their membership.  Looking for ways to add fun to a club meeting?  Perhaps themed meetings would do the trick.  The theme could be woven through the opening remarks, word of the day, and Table Topics.  Don't feel like you are creative enough to come up with themes?  Check out  The site has a good collection of meeting themes in both alphabetic or date order. 
     Thinking about ways to invite former members back to the club?  Hold an alumni meeting or celebrate your club's anniversary and invite former members to a meeting.  Looking for other ways?  Conduct the Moments of Truth, an evaluation of your club.  Also, review the Area Visit report your Club President receives from your Area Director.  It is an outside perspective of the impressions guests may be forming of your club.  Sometimes taking small actions can make a big difference. 
Warmest regards,
Angela Ritchey, DTM
District Director

Friday, April 8, 2016

APRIL 2016 Newsletter

APRIL's Theme: April Showers!!
Created by Steve Garvin

From Garrett:
April showers are a great time to wash off the bike in the rain in time for national bike month, which is every year in May. Or, if you (tragically) don’t have a bike, consider picking up a cheap one at this year’s Tacoma Bike Swap at University of Puget Sound. Date to be announced but it’s usually early or late May. If you have any questions about how to get back in the saddle talk to Garrett.

Hey Toastmasters, learn how to tie your shoes in just under three minutes during this TED talk. What I like about the speaker is his subtle use of humor.


April 29-May 1 Spring Conference, LaQuinta Inn, Tacoma
Valuable keynote speakers and education sessions! Boost your Toastmaster's experience - register today:

May 5, 6:30-8:30pm  How to Write a Speech in 10 Minutes! at the Asia Pacific Cultural Center, 4851 South Tacoma Way. Ted Corcoran, Past International President of Toastmasters, is conducting this interactive workshop. For $10, you'll gain insights on crafting and delivering speeches from a man who has spoken all over the world.

MEMBER BIOS: Here's an opportunity to learn more about our some of our fellow Toastmasters!

I'm a creative, loving person who enjoys helping others design lives of deep satisfaction. I am a husband, father, artist, writer and teacher. The thing I most want to accomplish is to use up my days in service of my purpose. Along the way creating programs and materials.

Mel West, the Executive Biker. 
I help engage, align and accelerate companies so they can ride the freedom highway. My goal is tochange one person, one team, or one organization at a time to encourage collaboration, energy, and momentum. I joined Toastmasters to improve my speaking skills in a safe and fun environment, where I can make mistakes and learn from them where it doesn't cost me anything but my own humility. I want to have a solid keynote that will compliment my new book that I am writing called "Your Freedom Quest: Riding the Highway to Success in Business and Life" and be ready to hit the main stage, so I can have a larger impact in the World.

I'd like to share a little of why I'm a member of multiple clubs.
      I joined Toastmasters in 1998, as a favor to a friend during a membership contest. For the next few years, I stayed within the club (Tacoma Bureaucrats), serving as a club officer, attending trainings and contests. One day, someone talked about an 'advanced club' that met monthly. It focused on evaluations. Every speaker received at least four evaluations for each speech. Yikes! It sounded intimidating. It took another year before I had the courage to visit, and I was hooked. Rather than being overwhelmed at receiving so many evaluations, it was very helpful. Each person concentrated on a different aspect of the speech. I felt I really grew as a speaker.
     The most valuable aspect of joining another club was to see the varied ways that meetings were run, and to hear different speakers and how they grew in confidence. Over the years, I've helped form clubs, coach clubs to strength and health, and visited many clubs in Western Washington and in many states. I'm currently a member of three clubs: Tacoma Bureaucrats (Wednesdays, Noon), Sound Advice (monthly, with a focus on leadership) and BeGes. The most recent club I joined was BeGes, in June 2015. I enjoy the members, the meetings, the humor, and the topics people share during speeches. I find being a member of multiple clubs keeps me learning and challenged as a listener and speaker. Let me know if you're interested in hearing more about belonging to multiple clubs.

I come for the fun and what I would call diverse inspiration. We have a great club and there is never a Friday where I don't learn something new, either about a subject that was unknown to me, or about one of our members. There is usually a speech, or part of a speech, that gives one pause to reflect on. As far as what I want out of toastmasters, as club president, I want total world domination over all other TM clubs. That's it!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

MARCH 2016 - In Like A Lion!

March enters like a lion... You can say it takes courage to come to Toastmasters, to overcome one's fear and step up to speak!

Quotes & Cartoon by Steve Garvin

Aslan: You doubt your value. Don't run from who you are.
~ C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian

I am impelled, not to squeak like a grateful and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion out of pride in my profession.
~ John Steinbeck

It’s better to be a free dog than a caged lion.
-Arabian Proverb

I was the shyest human ever invented, but I had a lion inside me that wouldn’t shut up!
-Ingrid Bergman

Fainthearted animals move about in herds. The lion walks alone in the desert. Let the poet always walk thus.
-Alfred Victor Vigny

Don’t ask me who’s influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he’s digested, and I’ve been reading all my life.
-Charles de Gaulle

Be inspired and aspire to the same heights!
But don't be intimidated! Scroll down to the bottom of this newsletter for inspiration for newbies!

The Dreamer Arrives

by Mario Lorenz 
I have been involved with toastmasters for several years.  My wife, before we were married, invited me to a meeting of the Metropolitan Executive Toastmasters Club in Austin, Texas.   Ever since then outside of a couple years when I was on the road with my comedy show I have remained in one club or another and can honestly say that because of the training received in toastmasters it has enabled me to continue to avoid having a day job my entire life.  I have yet to become rich because of it, but I am not dead yet so there is still hope.

For the past 5-7 years I have kept a dream journal and most recently I have begun to try and draw, paint, color, or sketch the images I see in my dreams.  I never thought I was capable of drawing or painting.  I have always thought of myself as a performing artist but never did I think I was really the kind of artist that could draw something adequately.  Having a journal and with the courage to write my dreams down I have realized, with the encouragement of a dear friend, that I can draw or sketch some of the images that I see in my dreams.  They are not great works of art by any means, but in so doing, I have learned to “Remember that there are no mistakes, only the opportunity to overcome fear.”  It has become the same with toastmasters.  If I just have the courage to open my mouth and allow the words to come out.   Somehow they form into an expression of my thoughts.  They are not always insightful, humorous or wise thoughts, but they do come out and they do help me to overcome my fear of speaking.  Often the humor, wisdom and insight of a thought finds me and is then expressed.    

Recently, I became aware of the Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson who often uses this phrase.  “The Separation is in the preparation”.  As a result, I have come up with this formula that helps me when I remember to use it.  It is as if I were coming out of a dream.   1.) Wake up!  2.) Determine direction, 3.) Make preparations and 4.) Take Action.  So keep dreaming my fellow Toastmasters and when you wake up be fearless, confident, and follow that dream.

Toastmaster Magic ~ David Goodson

There is a pleasure in watching new members journey from too nervous to speak more than 15 seconds to an accomplished speaker. The progress is great, but the process seems too simple. It boils down to attending meetings, reading 3-4 pages of instructions for a speech, giving a speech, rinse and repeat. Along the way at meetings, taking on a wide variety of roles each of which requires different speaking skills.
So what make this simple process so effective? My belief is that Toastmaster makes you aware of what works and what does not as a speaker. Each meeting is a workshop to observe different techniques and experiment with new ones. The supportive environment encourages taking risks, and everyone who takes a risk becomes a little better. Over time, all those little betters become a much bigger better.

That’s my take and I would love to hear what other member think.

Don't Be Daunted By Jock Elliott!
PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR BEGINNERS (Butterfly Taming 101) by Nikki Elledge Brown