Thursday, February 8, 2018

Presidential Brief for February 2018

BeGes President’s Newsletter February 2018




We all know what FEAR is. It's something we had to overcome just to walk in the door of our first Toastmaster's Meeting. And it's also what can keep us from taking the steps to achieve our goals.

A common response to fear  is to "F*%k Everything And Run".

I know this to be true for myself. I checked out 6 different Toastmasters groups before deciding on BeGes. And when I went back to join, I freaked out and ran instead. It took me an entire year before returning to become a member.

I heard a new analogy for fear: "Face Everything And Rise"!

Toastmasters has wonderful ways to help you overcome your trepidation with public speaking. You just need to show up, try different roles, work your way through the manuals, one speech at a time (roughly every 6-8 weeks) one project at a time. 

One of our newer members, who'd taken a couple years to decide to join, has found themselves being assigned to give presentations in their workplace. Before BeGes, this would have been debilitating! Instead they are rising above, thanks to Toastmasters!

Joan Newcomb
BeGes President 2017-2018

ICYMI Last month we had a meeting devoted to learning about Pathways, the new Toastmaster's educational system. It's set to roll out in March and TM members can choose to stay with the manuals (the existing system), switch right away, or have up to two years to transition to the new way of learning. In case you missed it, there's more information here

We have an active few months ahead! 

Tomorrow, Friday, February 9th, we will have our monthly Officer's Meeting. All members are invited to attend. See 'behind the scenes' on what it takes to make a successful club!

Thursday, February 15th, Sound Advice Toastmasters is presenting Building Excitement in Toastmasters, Club by Club.  Two experienced Toastmasters will speak, on nurturing existing members so that they stay in the club and on recruiting new members. There will be a discussion on best practices for retaining members, getting guests in the door and turning guests into members. At least a couple of us BeGes will attend in person at 6:30pm at the Tacoma Municipal Building, room 248, or you may join remotely via (Zoom? Skype?) - contact Judy Young for more information.

On February 23rd, we have a Speech contest, and on March 2nd, we have an Evaluation Contest. There are numerous ways to participate. Sign up online or email our VP of Education, Mary Morrison, for more information.

February-March, we're having a Membership Drive and an Open House (TBD), this is an excellent time to bring a friend to BeGes. If you'd like to help out, email our VP of Membership, Rebecca Parson!