Thursday, March 15, 2018

What Makes BeGes So Special? Presidential Brief March 2018

BeGes President’s Newsletter March 2018




When we became a member of Toastmasters, out of all the possible clubs in the area, we may or may not have put a huge amount of thought into why we chose to join BeGes.

Maybe it was the downtown location (with free parking)! Maybe it was the time and day (Friday afternoons work better for many folks). Maybe it was the camaraderie shown amongst members - we laugh a lot and genuinely like each other.

For me, the appeal was also that we were such an eclectic group.  I'd "auditioned" five other clubs, four were associated with a workplace (where the employer had required employees to join), and one seemed to be a very small group of retired people. BeGes had entrepreneurs like myself as well as business professionals, but more importantly it embraced a wide range of individual personalities. I felt like my quirky character would fit in.

Toastmasters provides an organizational template for groups, along with supportive materials for our education and growth. But it's the individuals in the club that create its environment.

Each one of us contributes to the atmosphere that's present at the meetings. We contribute in an overt way by simply showing up, giving speeches, participating in the different roles. This is a win-win for us because we can make progress through our manuals and get to put letters at the end of our names when we're done. (No, really, progressing through manuals also means we've gained skills in speaking and leadership as well).

But we also contribute in a less obvious way, in *how* we show up. Do we attend with a sincere desire to participate? Do we treat others with respect? Are we supportive in our feedback? Are we kind and understanding?

It's something to think about. Besides the laughter as BeGes, we were attracted to our club's culture. When we come to meetings and are consciously present and supportive, we make it a safe place for all of us to learn and grow.

Joan Newcomb
BeGes Club President

Upcoming Events

Friday, March 16 we have our monthly Officer's Meeting - everyone's invited! Come see behind the scenes what we do to make our club as exceptional as it is.

February-March, we're having a Membership Drive, this is an excellent time to bring a friend to BeGes!

Our club's elections will be May with terms beginning in July.
Now's the time to consider if you want to step up.

Here are descriptions for each:
President presides at meetings of the Club, has general supervision of the operations of the Club
Vice President of Education Plans & directs club programs meeting Club members' educational needs. Plans & publishes regular schedules of meeting assignments. Keeps track of member's progress towards goals.
Vice President of Membership Plans and directs programs to retain and increase club membership.
Vice President of Public Relations Develops & directs programs informing members and the public about Toastmasters International and Club activities.
Treasurer Responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. Collects dues and pays dues to Toastmasters International, and maintains records. Makes financial reports to the Club at least quarterly. Receives and disburses, with approval of the Club, all Club funds.
Secretary Responsible for Club records and correspondence. Maintains club roster. Has custody of the Club’s charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and all other records and documents of the club. Keeps an accurate record of the meetings and activities of the Club.
Sergeant at Arms Prepares meeting room for meeting. Maintains Club property, including banner, nametags, and supplies. Greets visitors. Chairs Social and Reception Committees.
Have any questions? Talk to any one of our current officers:
President - Joan Newcomb
VPE - Mary Morrison
VPM - Rebecca Parson
VPPR - Jennifer Fischer
Treasurer - Steve Garvin
Secretary - Kristi Langdon
SAA - Eric Heller

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Presidential Brief for February 2018

BeGes President’s Newsletter February 2018




We all know what FEAR is. It's something we had to overcome just to walk in the door of our first Toastmaster's Meeting. And it's also what can keep us from taking the steps to achieve our goals.

A common response to fear  is to "F*%k Everything And Run".

I know this to be true for myself. I checked out 6 different Toastmasters groups before deciding on BeGes. And when I went back to join, I freaked out and ran instead. It took me an entire year before returning to become a member.

I heard a new analogy for fear: "Face Everything And Rise"!

Toastmasters has wonderful ways to help you overcome your trepidation with public speaking. You just need to show up, try different roles, work your way through the manuals, one speech at a time (roughly every 6-8 weeks) one project at a time. 

One of our newer members, who'd taken a couple years to decide to join, has found themselves being assigned to give presentations in their workplace. Before BeGes, this would have been debilitating! Instead they are rising above, thanks to Toastmasters!

Joan Newcomb
BeGes President 2017-2018

ICYMI Last month we had a meeting devoted to learning about Pathways, the new Toastmaster's educational system. It's set to roll out in March and TM members can choose to stay with the manuals (the existing system), switch right away, or have up to two years to transition to the new way of learning. In case you missed it, there's more information here

We have an active few months ahead! 

Tomorrow, Friday, February 9th, we will have our monthly Officer's Meeting. All members are invited to attend. See 'behind the scenes' on what it takes to make a successful club!

Thursday, February 15th, Sound Advice Toastmasters is presenting Building Excitement in Toastmasters, Club by Club.  Two experienced Toastmasters will speak, on nurturing existing members so that they stay in the club and on recruiting new members. There will be a discussion on best practices for retaining members, getting guests in the door and turning guests into members. At least a couple of us BeGes will attend in person at 6:30pm at the Tacoma Municipal Building, room 248, or you may join remotely via (Zoom? Skype?) - contact Judy Young for more information.

On February 23rd, we have a Speech contest, and on March 2nd, we have an Evaluation Contest. There are numerous ways to participate. Sign up online or email our VP of Education, Mary Morrison, for more information.

February-March, we're having a Membership Drive and an Open House (TBD), this is an excellent time to bring a friend to BeGes. If you'd like to help out, email our VP of Membership, Rebecca Parson!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Presidential Brief for January 2018

BeGes President’s Newsletter January 2018
“Helping Others, Helps Yourself 


We come to Toastmasters because we have trouble with public speaking. It’s usually terrifying to give our first icebreaker. Looking back, my the first few months were a blur of trying different roles and having absolutely no idea what I was doing.

Eventually I was able to contribute to the group, becoming an officer and helping 'behind the scenes', and mentoring others.

One of the things I’ve learned is that in helping others, you help yourself. It’s pretty clear when we mentor a new member how they’re benefitting. Yet, the other day I was at a meeting with a newcomer and in assisting them with their questions, it reminded me of things I’d forgotten, which helped my own progress.

But what if I’m still a newbie, how can I help? 

Showing up for meetings and taking on a role helps that meeting happen. Even coming and observing and participating in Table Topics, enhances the meeting. When you think beyond what you want to get out of Toastmasters for yourself, and focus on what you can give to the group, you gain so much more!

Joan Newcomb
BeGes President 2017-2018


Jennifer Fisher is our new V.P. Of Public Relations - Jennifer has already been contributing as a PR Committee member for Social Media (if you've noticed more about us on Facebook, it's thanks to her). We're excited to see what she creates in this expanded role!
Steve Garvin has stepped up to be Treasurer. Steve has served, in the past, as Secretary and VP of PR, he's bringing his professional experience in accounting to this new role. Thanks for stepping up!
(Mel West, has a new job in Seattle, so can no longer make the meetings. He's been our Treasurer for the last 1.5 years, and an invaluable asset to our club. Congratulations on the new position - we miss you!)


Officer’s Meeting - This coming Friday, January 19th 1:10pm - all members are invited; come learn about the behind-the-scenes working of our club!

Toastmasters Leadership Training. You don't have to be an officer to attend this training, (although all officers really *should*). Last Summer's training had a presentation on Marketing. This weekend will have a presentation on Membership Building. Please preregister so they know how much refreshments to provide!
Saturday, January 20th in Tacoma
Where: Center for Urban Waters, 326 E D St, Tacoma, WA
: 8am - 8:30am Training: 8:30am - Noon
Pre-register here
Contact: Lori Zboralski 253-468-4093
The training is also being held on other dates in Silverdale and in Pacific. For more information, go here.

Upcoming Contests
February 23  is Bege's International Speech Contest
March 2 is our Evaluation Contest.
Stay tuned for more info!

Monday, December 4, 2017

BeGes Presidential Brief, December 2017

BeGes President’s Newsletter December 2017

Compare and Despair!


When we first come to Toastmasters, it's usually because we're not comfortable with speaking in public. We listen to other club members stand up and talk, and can never imagine that we'll ever be as good as they are.

This extends when we step into roles. How can I ever be as good a - grammarian, evaluator, toastmaster, (fill in the blank). 

It's not useful to compare ourselves to others. It's like mentally tying our shoelaces together. It will only trip us up in our own progress.

Stepping into leadership positions, even if you're capable of fulfilling the requirements, the titles of president and vice president are daunting ones. It can take some time to get into the swing of things.

It's comforting to realize that in learning organizations like Toastmasters, we aren't expected to be automatic experts. We're in positions to learn and grow

Toastmasters has a couple of mottos, one is "Practice makes Perfect", and the other is "Where Leaders Are Made".  I'd like to offer another one - Progress Not Perfection. Because even though we're aiming at Perfection, any experienced Toastmaster knows you don't ever reach it.

We come to Toastmasters from different backgrounds, and each have different goals. The best comparison, I've found, is my current Toastmaster self with who I was when I first came to BeGes. I am so much better at pretty much everything now. And still have lots of room to grow.

Joan Newcomb
BeGes President 2017-2018

Next Officer's Meeting
Friday, October 8th 1pm. All members are welcome, come check out what happens behind the scenes and beyond the meetings that help to create our group!

Come See our Past President and Current VPE and new Region 1 International Director Mary Morrison! The Sound Advice Advanced Leadership Club is hosting a meet and greet on Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 6pm in Tacoma.
Mary will be leading an interactive workshop entitled “Leading with Heart and Hunger”. Mary’s career with the city of Tacoma and her Toastmasters journey have brought her to this pinnacle of leadership. Come hone your leadership skills with advice from District 32’s finest!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

BeGes Presidential Brief, November 2017

BeGes President’s Newsletter November 2017

Giving And Receiving


It's that time of year where we express gratitude for what we are given (or for what we are about to receive). We rarely think about what we're actually giving. 

Giving doesn't have to take a lot of energy. Sometimes our mere presence is a gift. For instance, we wouldn't have Toastmaster meeting if people didn't come to meetings. Signing up for a role definitely contributes to the event, but showing up without a role gives the Table Topics master someone to call on!

That being said, I do want to acknowledge one of our newest members, Jen Fischer, for stepping into the role of Social Media coordinator. She's helping our VP of Public Relations by getting the word out on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn. I've noticed more BeGes on Facebook than ever before, thanks to her!

Please join us on Social Media, if you haven't already done so. The more Facebook "likes", Twitter followers, or Meetup members we have, the more we get noticed by new people. We've already had folks come in from our Meetup page. 

There's an article in this months Toastmaster's Magazine on why and how to use Social Media with your Toastmasters Club.

When you go to a meeting, you can "check in" on Facebook, or RSVP on Meetup. Be sure to leave a review or response as well!

Joan Newcomb, CC, CL
President, BeGes Toastmasters 2017-2018

Upcoming Events

This Friday, Nov. 17th  we are having our monthly Officers Meeting. All members are welcome to sit in and see the 'behind the scenes' work it takes to create a great club!

December 1st we are having a Mock Contest! It's to give members an experience of a contest without the pressure of real competition ;) If you'd like to give a speech, email Eric

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Presidential Brief for October, 2017

BeGes President’s Newsletter October 2017

Progress Not Perfection

Hello, BeGes!

My topic this month "Progress Not Perfection" in no way contradicts the wonderful advanced club "Pursuing Perfection". If anything, it may actually be in agreement!

When we first join Toastmasters, it's not uncommon to feel a bit overwhelmed. Speaking in public might be terrifying. Tackling any role, whether Ah Crutch, Grammarian, or Timer, might feel daunting. Everyone else in the club seems so much more competent than we feel we are.

It's helpful to realize that, even though we have contests, we're not really in competition with anyone else. We are each individual, and our growth path with Toastmasters is unique, even if we're following along the structures laid our in our Competent Communicator and our Competent Leader manuals. It may be suggested to give your Icebreaker Speech within the first month that you've joined, and to try to do a speech every 6 to 8 weeks, but everyone has their own pace, and their own style of learning.

Toastmasters provides a lot of support, from speech evaluation to mentorship, but you're ultimately in charge of measuring your progress. There's no assumptions that you'll be performing in an International Speech Contest in a year or raking in six figures as a professional speaker... unless *you* want to do those things!

We can easily get paralyzed by our own expectations. If you remember "progress not perfection", you can focus on the next speech, the next project, and not be frozen with fear of failing.

People join an advanced club (which may only meet monthly, in addition to their regular weekly club meeting) when they have completed the Competent Communicator manual and want to take their skills to the next level. But *pursuing* perfection does not imply that you're *attaining* it. No one, not even a winner of an International Speech Contest, hits an end point with working on their abilities. 

However, it is noticeable how quickly people improve when they join Toastmasters. They may stutter and even burst into tears during their first Icebreaker speech. That initial nervousness does wear off, and within a short time they're effortlessly leaping up to respond to Table Topic questions.

~Joan Newcomb, BeGes President 2017-2018

Welcome to our new Vice President of Education: Mary Morrison!
Mary is our immediate past president and has graciously stepped into the vacant VP of E position. Go to her for any questions you may have with working your way through your manuals. VPE Committee member Raylene Ewing is working on the Mentorship program, go to her if you haven't been assigned a mentor yet, or if you have questions about working with your mentor (or mentee).

Want to help get the word out about BeGes on Social Media? Our VP of Public Relations, Steve Garvin, could use a Committee Member to post to our several Social Media accounts! This task takes probably less than an hour a week and can be prescheduled on our Hootsuite or Buffer accounts.

Our Next Officers Meeting: Friday, October 20th 1pm (after our regular meeting)
All members are invited to our Officers Meeting, you can learn about what happens 'behind the scenes' to make our club run smoothly and successfully!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Presidential Brief for September

BeGes President’s Newsletter September 2017

The summer is over, it's time to get back to world. We've been on vacation and other aspects of life may have come up that's kept us from coming to our BeGes meetings.  

It's common, at this time, to question whether to keep going to Toastmasters. Maybe we're forgotten how much fun they are. Maybe we have gained skill from answering enough Table Topics questions to think we don't need to do any more speeches.

We've attained our initial goal of overcoming of discomfort with speaking in public, so why renew our dues?  Here's the thing -

There's levels of mastery and leadership to strive for, that we didn't even know when starting at BeGes. Toastmasters is so much more than just speeches.  There are great things to learn going through the Competent Leadership Manual - you get credit for every role you sign up for from Timer to Toastmaster. 

There's a great article on Leadership in the September TM magazine, "Leadership, It's Not About You" which clearly illustrates what you learn at Toastmasters beyond just speaking contributes to your success in all aspects of your life!

Joan Newcomb
BeGes President 2017-2018

Next Officer's Meeting
Friday, September 29th 1pm. All members are welcome, come check out what happens behind the scenes and beyond the meetings that help to create our group!